Importing contacts

The "Import Contacts" feature allows you to easily and efficiently upload multiple contacts from an external source such as a customer database

First, you will need to prepare your contact data:

The "Import Contacts" option appears in both Contacts > All Contacts and Contacts > Contact Groups

1. Click on "Import contacts" at the top right of the page:

2. Upload your data file to the web portal using either the "Browse" function or "Drag & Drop" your file straight into the upload window:

3. Match the columns in your data file to the various fields in the contact profile

If your contact database includes additional information (e.g. in the example shown we have fields such as "Division", "Role" and "Office"), then these can be mapped to the "Custom" fields in the contact profile:

Note - you can also assign your contacts to existing groups by typing the name(s) of the group(s) in the field at the bottom of the screen:

Once you have aligned your data correctly, click "Import in the bottom right of the screen to complete the action

Reviewing Import Results

You will then be shown a result of the import in the middle of the screen, along with links for review of successful and failed imports: