Alpha Tags

An Alpha Tag (3-11 characters in length) is a name or a string of text that appears in place of a phone number as the sender ID. It offers instant brand recognition but is suitable for one-way messages only - recipients cannot reply to messages sent from an alpha tag.

To enable an Alpha Tag for your account, follow these steps:

1. Go to Account > Sender IDs

2. Click on the Business Names tab

3. Click on Request a business name

In the resulting modal/pop-up, enter the name you want to use to send messages, and click Send request:

Your Alpha Tag should activate as soon as you click "Send request."

Setting your Alpha Tag as your Default Sender ID

Once you have an Alpha Tag enabled on your account, you can set it as the default sender ID so that all future messages will be sent from this name:

1. Go to Account and then Account Settings

2. Click on the edit icon next to Default Sender ID

3. From the resulting drop-down list, select your Alpha Tag

4. Click Save

If you don't want to set your Alpha Tag as the Default Sender ID, you can select to send messages from your Alpha-Tag ad-hoc when you create a new message, by selecting the option from the Sender ID list in the New Message window: