How to fill out the Alpha Tag Registration Form

While you don't need to worry about your existing Alpha Tags with a valid use case, any new Alpha Tags you request will need to be registered and you'll need to provide evidence of your valid use case. Below, we’ve pulled together some information to help you complete the registration successfully.

Here's where you can find the form

We've created a simple online form for you to register your Alpha Tags, and is suitable if you have multiple Alpha Tags, or you're registering an Alpha Tag on behalf of someone else.

Click the link above to open the registration form in a new browser tab.

Here's how to fill out the form

1. Account ID - is the unique identifier associated with your Hub account. and can be found under the General tab on the Account Settings page in the Hub.

▶ Account ID Example

2. Sender ID - is the alphanumeric sender identification (a.k.a. Alpha Tag) that identifies the message sender (eg. “MelbLaundry”)

3. Entity - is the full legal name of the entity sending the message (eg. “Melbourne Laundry Pty Ltd”).

4. Destination Region - will be Australia or United Kingdom - please contact if you wish to register an Alpha Tag for use in another country.

5. Use Case - is the proposed use case, selected from one of the relevant options (eg. “MelbLaundry” is a Contraction of Melbourne Laundry Pty Ltd) – if you can’t see a relevant option, select other and provide details explaining the use case in the Additional Comments column (6).

▶ Valid Use Case Examples

MelbLaundrySole Trader name & ABN of the senderThe customer is Bob Smith trading as "Melbourne Laundry" ABN 12 345 678 90
MelbLaundryCompany name & ACN/ABN of the senderThe customer is Melbourne Laundry Pty Ltd ABN 12 345 678 90
MelbLaundryPartnership name & ABN of the senderThe customer is Melbourne Laundry Partners ABN 12 345 678 90
MelbLaundryRegistered Trust name & ABN of the senderThe customer is the Melbourne Laundry Trustee for the Melbourne Laundry Trust ABN 12 345 678 90
MelbLaundryAustralian or international trade mark registered by the senderThe customer holds the "Melbourne Laundry” Australian registered trademark no. 61066230
MelbLaundryCo-Operative name and Organisation number of the senderThe customer is Melbourne Laundry Cooperative Ltd Org Number 12 345 678 90
MelbLaundryRegistered Organisation name of the sender /tdThe customer is Melbourne Laundry Organisation ABN 12 345 678 90
DanSmithPersonal name of the senderThe customer’s business owner or employee is Daniel Smith
LaundryServA product or service name of the senderMelbourne Laundry provides laundry services and has a physical laundromat at 123 Laundry Street, Melbourne.
ML, MelbLaundAn acronym, initialism, or contraction of the A-Party. The initials or contraction correspond to the company name.

6. Additional Comments - is where you provide additional details explaining or evidencing the use case, such as a website or link to the ABN search for an entity registered with ASIC, etc.